Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Ciung Wanara

Who Ciung Wanara?

# Beginning of king's lineage galuh (Karang kamulyan ciamis) to 1 Wretikandayun (612-702 AD) blessed with children, among others:
1. Batara Guru Danghiyang Sempak Waja (ruler of Galunggung)
2. Rahiyang Kidul Resiguru Wanayasa / Jantaka (ruler of the southern denuh galuh)
3. Oil bath / Amara (heir to the throne Crown Prince galuh).

# Ruler Galunggung Danghiyang Batara Guru Sempak Waja, blessed with children, among others:
1. Raja Galuh (Karang kamulyan ciamis) to 4 Purbasora (716-723 AD)
2. Raja Saunggalah Demunawan brass.
KING GALUH (Karang kamulyan ciamis) TO 4 PURBASORA (716-723 AD).
Purbasora managed to become the king of Galuh the 4th with a way to seize the King Galuh 3 Bratasenawa. Then the son of Purbasora Wijayakusuma appointed senapati Galuh.
723 M yr galuh back throne were achieved / won by a distinguished descendant galuh legitimate heir, the Sanjaya putera of King Galuh to 3 Bratasenawa.
Galuh to 4 Purbasora king with his son is senapati galuh Wijayakusuma killed by Sanjaya 
Then on the basis of an agreement between Sanjaya (the son of the king galuh to 3 bratasenawa) with Ruler Galunggung Danghiyang Batara Guru Sempak Waja (father of the king galuh to 4 purbasora) as the next ruler Galuh which is subordinate of sanjaya is the son of Senapati GALUH Wijayakusuma namely:
Premana dikusuma like king destitute of authority, because everything is fully in the hands of policy galuh Mangkubumi Sunda Tamperan Barmawijaya (son of Sanjaya).
Premana Dikusuma leave and hand over the affairs the kingdom galuh of Mangkubumi Tamperan Barmawijaya, then living as a hermit in the - / + and known around the mountain Padang with a degree Ajar Sukaresi & Bagawat Sajala-nets. Premana Dikusuma have a son who was named SURATAMA / Manarah who remained in the palace Galuh.
732 M yr Mangkubumi Sunda Tamperan Barmawijaya raised by her father (Sanjaya) as ruler / king of Sunda & Galuh region. Tamperan Barmawijaya thereby became the king ruler galuh Sunda well as supervisor of the king galuh Premana dikusuma.
Tamperan Barmawijaya as King rounder makes Padjadjaran Bogor palace as the seat of government and choose Karang kamulyan ciamis as the capital of the central government.
Tamperan barmawijaya want to marry the wives of Premana dikusuma, the Dewi pangrenyep & naganingrum (mother of suratama / Manarah). Then why fulfill his desire, tamperan barmawijaya sent people to kill Premana Dikusuma in his hermitage and succeed. Thereby Tamperan Barmawijaya managed to marry and have children Dewi pangrenyep, named Banga / Kamarasa. While Naganingrum prev Tamperan Barmawijaya marry, has been blessed with children of Premana dikusuma ie Suratama / Manarah.
Premana murdered on the orders Tamperan dikusuma Barmawijaya known by former senapati galuh bimaraksa (grandfather of naganingrum) database known as ki balangantrang. Then Ki Balangantrang tells his grandson (naganingrum) also grandson (suratama / Manarah) that Premana dikusuma killed on the orders tamperan barmawijaya.
Suratama / Manarah timeout learned that his biological father (Premana dikusuma) was murdered by her stepfather (Tamperan Barmawijaya) intend for revenge and out of the palace to meet his great galuh For (ki balangantrang). The journey within Suratama / Manarah using pseudonyms are:
Ciung Wanara
Ciung Wanara assume tamperan barmawijaya was like his own father, but after knowing that tamperan barmawijaya had killed his biological father, to be turned 180 degrees and desire for revenge.
Ciung Wanara aided by his great-grandfather (ki balangantrang) senapati former galuh gathering strength in commotion SUNTEN (- / + Sodong village farm village sari, districts rancah, counties ciamis).
At a party tradition of cock fighting, troops seized Ciung Wanara galuh palace and kill Tamperan Barmawijaya. However Ciung Wanara not have the heart to kill Banga / Kamarasa (son of Tamperan Barmawijaya) are already considered as his own sister.
Tamperan heard Barmawijaya (king of Sunda - galuh) died, Taraju Jawadwipa (maharaja island of Java) Sanjaya intend to demolish the forces Ciung Wanara, but reconciled by the king saunggalah kuningan demunawan, then made a deal with dividing each region and mutual respect, because the real war The civil war is to be avoided.
In the year 739 AD western Java then split into 3 areas:
1. REGION curry by
With Padjadjaran Bogor palace as the central government into the area of ​​power KAMARASA or BANGA (son of Tamperan Barmawijaya) with a degree PRABU KRETABUANA YASAWIGUNA AJIMULYA (739-766 AD)
with Karang kamulyan ciamis as the central government was the domain SURATAMA or Manarah or Ciung Wanara (son of Premana Dikusuma) who holds PRABU JAYA Prakosa MANDALESWARA SALAKABUANA (739-783 AD)
3. REGION Galunggung & Kuningan
With the royal Saunggalah in Kunnigan as central government under the control of DEMUNAWAN (2nd son of god danghiyang chipped teacher Waja)
While Taraju Yavadvipa (maharaja island of Java) Sanjaya (father of tamperan barmawijaya) again reigns in the kingdom of Medang earth kingdom of Mataram Central Java.

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